Vision happens in the mind, not in the eyes. [Marc Maurer]

Monday, March 21, 2016

Alpha One: The Only Thing I Use

I till Alpha One into the soil at planting time, then dress plants with it mid-season.  Here is some information about the stuff from Alpha One's website:

Alpha One Natural Organic Lawn & Garden Fertlizer is manufactured in Colorado for the soils of the Rocky Mountain States.  It has the highest organic matter content of any fertilizer on the market with a homogeneous nutrient blance without the non-essential elements of some fertilizers. Alpha One provides the plant ready natrients in a natural time release for an extended availability for the plant.  The Alpha One formulation enables a uniform leaf growth without teh typical lush growth syndrome following application of commerical fertilizers or some "organic fertilizers" made with nitrogen from chemical sources.  The organic aminor acids of Alpha One counteract the high pH calcareous soils of our Rocky Moutain Region creating a better soil environment for all varieties of turf grasses.  Alpha One contains no manure, sludge or waste.

Product Benefits:

Highest organic matter content
Highest humic acid value
Low pH for Colorado alkaline soils
Granulated for uniform application
Balanced nutrient solubility for controlled nutrient release
Provides mineral and organic nutrients naturally without loss to the environment
No odor
No heavy metals
No salts

Contents:  Alfalfa, Blood Meal, Cottonseed Meal
