Vision happens in the mind, not in the eyes. [Marc Maurer]

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yard Transformation

This year we lost a gorgeous Ohio Buckeye, which previously encompassed our entire front yard. Truth is, I was secretly pleased when the tree perished; the south-and east-facing plot has been begging for a beautiful garden. Several months of Sunday morning gardening sessions later, our yard is on its way to being transformed. Ornamental grasses, conifers, succulents, and an array of flowering perennials dot the yard. The soil was turned and returned mechanically, and lovingly sifted with my own bare hands. Now the challenge is to wait patiently 'til Spring!
My attempts at shade gardening over the last four years yielded the pathetic little triangular garden, visible behind the tree (not a total waste as this corner remains the most fertile patch of the entire lot). The tree company humored me by diverting the fall of branches from the massive Buckeye so to not bruise my suffering plants!