Vision happens in the mind, not in the eyes. [Marc Maurer]

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Emergence of Color

Penstemon alamosenesis, Artemisia filifolia,
Eriogonum corymbosum (still just a youngen!)
and Amsonia  jonesii

Click on the picture to see a larger image

Saturday, May 4, 2013


The temptation to fill up the space is ever-present, both in life and in the garden.  For now I'm practicing delighting in the openness in the front yard, the brand new extra three hundred square feet of it, rather than rushing out to empty my wallet at the local garden center (this sort of emptiness is all to familiar...).  Today I went to the May Day celebration at Harlequin's and had enough self restraint to walk away with three plants.  Tomorrow I'll plant Amelancheir alnifolia, Zinnia grandiflora and another Gutierrezia sarothrae, my favorite native as of late.