Vision happens in the mind, not in the eyes. [Marc Maurer]

Monday, May 26, 2014

Garden Tour Caveat

My dryland garden will be one of eight gardens showcased in this year's Wheat Ridge Garden Tour on Saturday, July 12.  WARNING:  This suburban front yard horticultural collage is a work in progress and is completely devoid of fairies, blown glass mushrooms, sundials and tin sculptures!  It is, however, an example of how to transform a large patch of lawn on a sunny and arid southeast corner (with the help of a only a little well water) into a tapestry of blues, greens, silvers and greys; xeriscape without an over-reliance on monochromatic humps of gravel and cacti. This summer's tour is later in the year so the bees' buzzing will be in full effect!  Stop by anytime between 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., on bicycle if you like.  Visit for details.

Eurotia Lanata, case in point 

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