Vision happens in the mind, not in the eyes. [Marc Maurer]

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Striving to Simulate Nature, Failing Miserably

As this garden evolves, I'm aware I need more rocks. Big ones. Like the ones in Rocky Mountain National Park (above). As soon as I abolish the remaining five hundred square feet of grass in our front yard, there'll be more room. But then there's the issue of the rocks' weight, and the fact that any I acquire have to be free. Were I in Roxbury (CT), I'd be resenting the rock and longing to get rid of it. Here in Denver, I abhor the grass and desire the rock. Such is the truth of suffering...


Katie B. said...

I'd love to see full panoramas of your yard as you progress...then you could put together a time lapse slideshow and watch the grass disappear over and over again!

Lucie K said...

Just last weekend smothered the other half of the front yard with wet cardboard, grass clippings, and leaf and wood mulch. Will plant larger shrubs in the spring on that side, and possibly add a bench!