Vision happens in the mind, not in the eyes. [Marc Maurer]

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cold-Hardy Delights

I just planted into inch-wide drilled holes these 'Hens and Chicks'. The rock came from a neighbor who works at the Colorado School of Mines, where students routinely practice drilling on samples. Hopefully these little succulents will take. Kenton Seth inspired me to plant this during a class at Timberline Gardens (I'd been sitting on the idea for a year). Carey at Southwest Gardens started the plants, and coached me around filling this unconventional container.
Yucca Harrimaniae (dwarf Yucca) and Escobaria sneedii var. leei (pincusion cactus)

1 comment:

Katie B. said...

That is so cool! What a clever idea!